Uniform & Dress Code
- Solid color polo-style shirt with collar (Red, light blue, navy blue, green, grey and maroon or Border Star polo)
- Girls may wear white blouses underneath dresses and jumpers.
- A navy blue or white long sleeve t-shirt or turtleneck may be worn under the polo.
- A navy blue cardigan or sweater may be worn over the polo or a Border Star hoodie
Shirts must be appropriately sized
- Pants or Shorts: SOLID navy or khaki
- Shorts should be fitted, worn at the waist and longer than finger-tip length
Athletic shorts may not be worn
Patterned bottoms may not be worn
Skirts, Dresses, Leggings, & Skorts:
- Solid navy or khaki
- Solid color polo style dresses with collar
- Solid navy or khaki jumper (shirt must be worn underneath)
- Leggings and tights should be uniform colors Longer than finger-tip length for all choices
- Velcro shoes are strongly encouraged for young children that can’t tie their shoes
- Comfortable, supportive footwear such as sneakers is encouraged
- Open toed shoes not allowed on the playground due to the woodchips
- During inclement weather, be sure your child is properly dressed with boots, rain jackets, and snow attire
- Please send indoor shoes when they wear boots to school Distracting footwear (i.e.; light up sneakers, Heely’s) is discouraged
Students will not be permitted to walk the hallways or be in their classrooms with jackets that are not of school colors.
Dress down days:
Denim jeans or shorts on Fridays with a school spirit shirt Students should be dressed in school uniform all other days
Border Star Spirit Wear:
Please see PTA
All students are expected to be dressed and groomed in a way that reflects neatness, cleanliness, and appropriateness for school.